Working in inland shipping

Working together, learning and making a career in inland shipping: join us at Alpinist SA! We offer lots of job opportunities for sailing staff.

Building two new vessels

Construction is progressing well: Carpe Vesperum has been launched in China and will arrive for completion in Raamsdonksveer in October. Carpe Vitam launches in September and will be in the Netherlands in November.

Contact us?

Alpinist SA
Place Bleech 2
Larochette (Luxemburg)

T:0031(0)6 53 905 230

Welcome on board!

Alpinist SA is an all-round enterprise in inland shipping. Safety, reliable agreements and good cooperation are paramount for us. We try to do well on every level. Working in inland shipping is international working so that is what characterizes our company most. We offer good working conditions for sailing staff, a pleasant working atmosphere and plenty of career opportunities.


Alpinist SA operates a young fleet with modern and sustainable inland vessels. As a captain you are responsible in the broadest sense of the word for the ship, her crew and all cargo. Safety and good cooperation with crewmembers are paramount for us. Usually, our boats sail continuously (24 hours a day) according to a 4-4 system. Click on the photo to see more information about the ship.
